Scholarship 2023-24 in Georgia (Fully Funded)

Scholarship 2023-24 in Georgia (Fully Funded)

Are you a college student or planning to attend college soon in the state of Georgia? Are you looking for scholarships in Georgia opportunities to help fund your education expenses? You are not alone! 

The cost of higher education can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are many scholarships in Georgia available  which provide financial assistance to help students pay for school. These scholarship programs from both public and private sources focus on different areas such as academic achievement, leadership, community service and much more. 

No matter what your circumstance, it pays to start early and consider all the options when researching and applying for scholarship aid. To make it easier for those attending colleges and universities located in Georgia, here's an overview of some scholarships in Georgia opportunities that could help you pay for your studies.

The “547” John E. McGlamry Memorial Scholarship

The “547” John E. McGlamry Memorial Scholarship is first on our list of scholarships in Georgia. It is an impressive scholarship opportunity available to students in Georgia. This scholarship is named after one of the most exceptional and knowledgeable lawyers in the state of Georgia, and is designed to commemorate his remarkable life, values and commitment to justice. 

Qualified students may be eligible to receive up to $5000 in financial aid each semester towards their undergraduate studies at any accredited college or university in the state of Georgia. The primary focus of this scholarship is to assist both minority and non-minority students with their higher education tuition costs. Preference for scholarships will likewise be given to applicants from DeKalb County but all qualified applicants will also be taken into consideration as long as they meet certain other requirements. 

In order to apply for the “547” John E. McGlamry Memorial Scholarship, applicants must have a minimum GAPCD score of 31, have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater, submit a list of extracurricular activities and community service hours completed over the past two years, provide a copy of their most recent federal tax returns and submit an essay discussing why they believe they are deserving candidates for this award.

Andrew C. and Eula C. Carlos Fund

The Andrew C. and Eula C. Carlos Fund is also on our list of scholarships in Georgia. It has been established to provide scholarships to qualified Georgia students who demonstrate financial need and academic excellence. 

The scholarships in Georgia were founded in 2021 by the couple’s three children, who wanted their parents’ legacies to live on long after they had gone. This merit-based scholarship program offers awards of up to $7,000, in addition to providing mentorship and enrichment opportunities for recipients throughout their college careers. The scholarship can be renewed each year on the basis of continued eligibility provided that a 3.0 GPA is maintained or improved upon. 

Andrew C. and Eula C. Carlos Fund helps Georgia students achieve their educational goals and realize their aspirations regardless of economic backgrounds or family circumstances. This includes those from rural areas experiencing higher levels of poverty or low college-enrollment rates due to limited access to educational resources . The fund also hopes to address issues related to racial inequity among other forms of oppression; it is estimated that up to 30% of scholarships go towards such causes each year . 

Most importantly , the fund provides motivation for all students as they begin their higher education journey . By recognizing hard work through merit-based awards , it also encourages Georgia's future generations of leaders which has been the fundamental mission of the scholarship since its inception.

Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (APIASF)

The Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (APIASF) is a great scholarship opportunity specifically for students of Asian and/or Pacific Islander descent living in Georgia. These scholarships in Georgia provide financial assistance to students pursuing an undergraduate degree at accredited postsecondary institutions in the United States and its possessions, plus helps enhance access to education for those from backgrounds typically underrepresented in higher education. 

Eligible applicants must be of Asian or Pacific Islander ethnicity and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, depending on the specific requirements of each scholarship. In addition to receiving financial assistance toward college expenses, APIASF richly rewards successful scholars with both monetary awards up to $20,000 per school year as well as leadership development opportunities. For instance, APIASF offers several one-day workshops around the country that bring together academic professionals and student leaders from various colleges and universities to discuss upcoming trends in higher education as well as emerging career paths for diverse students.

 Additionally, individualized mentoring with top industry professionals is also available to help further encourage recipients on their chosen educational paths. By leveraging these resources, APIASF gives Georgia’s young AAPI an incredible opportunity towards success in college and the workplace beyond it.

ASHRAE Region IV Benny Bootle Scholarship

The ASHRAE Region IV Benny Bootle Scholarship is a competitive award designed to provide additional financial aid for students in Georgia who are majoring in a field related to the built environment and pursuing a career in that field. The scholarships in Georgia program seeks to recognize outstanding students who demonstrate academic excellence and impressive qualities of leadership, service, and character. 

Through this scholarship program, eligible applicants are provided an opportunity to expand their knowledge and understanding of the building sciences with real-life application and hands-on experience. Created in honor of past regional directors, the ASHRAE Region IV Benny Bootle Scholarship provides much needed financial assistance for individuals interested in becoming successful engineers or building professionals. Through this program, high performing applicants receive $3,000 each, which can be used to pay tuition fees or other educational expenses. 

In addition, successful recipients have access to mentoring opportunities from experienced professionals working at leading companies throughout Georgia. This allows them to gain valuable insight into different aspects of architectural engineering as well as gain practical experience that can help them develop the skills necessary for success within the profession.

AWS Foundation – Airgas Terry Jarvis Memorial Scholarship

The AWS Foundation – Airgas Terry Jarvis Memorial Scholarship is a prized scholarship that recognizes outstanding students in the field of welding who demonstrate excellence through their research, education and involvement. Awarded annually by Airgas and the American Welding Society since 1997, this generous scholarship helps support post-secondary education for students interested in pursuing a career in welding. 

This Georgia scholarship is merit-based and open to graduating high school seniors or current college freshmen enrolled at an accredited post-secondary school located in the state of georgia. One applicant will be awarded an amount between $5,000 to $25,000 which includes tuition assistance programs, book stipends grant money and awards.

To be eligible for this scholarship opportunity, the applicant must possess a valid membership with the American Welding Society (AWS) Central Chapter and have graduated from high school within two years prior to his/her application date. In order to prove their commitment to welding as a career path, each applicant must submit evidence of extensive involvement within their local/regional welding community, as well as provide proof of any “special projects” they completed related to welding during their high school career. A 3.2 cumulative minimum grade point average is also required throughout years attended at both high school and college level institutions in order for applicants to qualify for the Airgas Terry Jarvis Memorial Scholarship program.

READ ALSO: Commonwealth Shared Scholarship 2023-24 in UK (Fully Funded)

Casualty Actuaries of the Southeast (CASE) Scholarships

Casualty Actuaries of the Southeast (CASE) scholarships in Georgia are annual awards given to students in Georgia. CASE seeks to increase their diversity and inclusion among their members by providing financial assistance to students in Georgia who demonstrate a commitment to furthering their education and career in the field of actuarial science, risk management, insurance, or related fields. 

Applicants must be residents of Georgia and enrolled at an accredited institution with demonstrated academic success. Financial need will also be taken into account when considering eligibility for this scholarship.The CASE Scholarship rewards eligible candidates who exemplify passion for the fields mentioned above with grants ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 in order to help offset the costs associated with pursuing higher education. 

Those awarded with scholarships by CASE can look forward to developing relationships in the industry through their involvement and recognition as scholarship winners, therefore better preparing themselves for a successful career. With these funds they are able to work towards achieving their career-oriented goals without fear of large looming debt burdens as they progress through college.

Georgia Foundation for Agriculture Scholarships

The Georgia Foundation for Agriculture Scholarships is dedicated to recognizing and rewarding the advanced leadership, quality academic prowess, and commitment to excellence of outstanding students in the field of agricultural studies. These scholarships in Georgia program provides financial assistance to individuals who demonstrate a responsibility towards their local communities and show promise of becoming strong leaders in their chosen field. 

The Foundation believes that fostering these values will help build an agricultural force that can strengthen Georgia’s communities both now and into the future. Individuals selected for this scholarship are those who have achieved high academic levels, exhibited active involvement with their communities, and maintained exemplary leadership qualities. 

The scholarships in Georgia are awarded on an annual basis according to multiple criteria including GPA (grade point average), evidenced leadership abilities, class rank, ACT scores, community service hours completed, rural background or residency requirements, demonstrated economic need as determined by FAFSA data (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), completion of college applications. In addition, there may be supplemental questions applicable to each student’s established career pathways upon submitting application materials. 

Scholarships vary in amount per individual up to $10,000 annually with funds disbursed during freshman through senior year for four years successively depending on continued satisfactory persistence at college . Moreover , the final amount of award is established based on the overall strength of the submitted portfolio of qualifications from eligible applicants from which 10 top awardees are selected each year  . Therefore , applying early is beneficial in order to improve chances of being chosen as one of these potential recipients!

Georgia Mining Foundation Scholarship

The Georgia Mining Foundation Scholarship is a great opportunity for college-bound students in the state of Georgia to receive financial aid towards their education. Since its inception in 1988, the organization has impacted thousands of students every year and awarded over one million dollars in scholarships. The scholarship program is funded by corporate sponsors and donations from individuals across the state.

This need-based scholarships in Georgia offers awards ranging from $1000 up to $5000 for current high school seniors and college freshmen, sophomores and juniors who are residents of the state of Georgia and meet all requirements set forth by the foundation. Scholarships are awarded based on academic merit, school and community involvement, essay submissions and an oral interview with a panel from the foundation. Additionally, applicants must have a minimum 2.75 GPA or equivalent to be eligible for consideration. 

The purpose of this scholarship program is to provide financial resources for talented students in Georgia pursuing higher education to reach their educational goals without incurring excessive debt or burden their families with additional costs related to their studies. With the help of this scholarship they can realize their dreams while simultaneously giving back through volunteer work, mentoring programs, internships and on-campus activities which ultimately benefit society as whole.

J.D. Archbold Memorial Hospital Scholarship

The J.D. Archbold Memorial Hospital Scholarship is a valuable scholarship for Georgia citizens who wish to pursue a degree in the healthcare field. This scholarship is especially important for students in rural areas as it helps reduce the financial burden that can be associated with obtaining an education. 

Through this program, students may qualify to receive up to $5000 per academic year to cover tuition and other related expenses associated with their studies. Available to both undergraduate and graduate students, this scholarship serves as an invaluable resource for individuals wishing to enter into the healthcare industry, helping them realize their educational goals despite financial constraints. 

This scholarship has helped numerous aspiring healthcare professionals over the years since its inception in 1991, providing them with access to resources they wouldn't have otherwise had access to if not for this generous funding. In addition, recipients of the J.D. Archbold Memorial Hospital scholarships in Georgia are eligible for additional schools and internships after graduation so that they can continue their studies and research within the health field - something which would otherwise seem impossible without extensive funds available through scholarships like this one.

 Ultimately, by awarding deserving applicants these grants each year, J. D. Archbold Memorial Hospital plays an important role in equipping Georgia's future medical professionals with the financial resources necessary for success within the healthcare industry.

Judge Richard S. (Stan) Gault Education Scholarship

The Judge Richard S. (Stan) Gault Education Scholarship is an award that provides financial support to Georgia students who are pursuing higher education in the sciences. This scholarship honors the legacy of former federal judge, Norris Richard Gault Jr., fondly known as “Stan” Gault. Established in 2005 by the University System of Georgia Board of Regents, this scholarship has helped countless studies receive much-needed assistance on their way to earning a degree in the STEM fields.

The Judge Richard S. (Stan) Gault Education Scholarship awards up to $2,000, renewable annually for four consecutive years until a bachelor’s degree is earned. In order to qualify for this award, students must be accepted into and attend a university or college within the University System of Georgia, have maintained grade point averages of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, demonstrate financial need and declare majors in technology or other scientific fields related to STEM disciplines. 

Additionally, applicants for this award must be attending full-time and maintain satisfactory academic progress during their course of study in order to continue receiving financing from the scholarship fund each year until graduating from college with the awarding degree.

Korean American Scholarship Foundation 

Lastly, The Korean American Scholarship Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides merit-based scholarships to Korean American students throughout the United States. In Georgia, the KASF offers several scholarships that are available for students of any major. These awards range from $1,000 to $2,500 and may be renewable for up to four years. Through these opportunities, KASF hopes to provide financial support and promote educational diversity among Korean Americans in Georgia. 

KASF also awards seven scholarship programs specifically dedicated to Georgians annually: Showstopper Innovation Scholarships, Presidential Scholarships, Good Neighbor Scholarships, Platinum Circles Awards, Dragon Dance Scholarship Program, Leaders Without Borders Leadership Development Program and KIYO Achievement Awards. These award amounts vary depending on estimated tuition cost and range anywhere from $1,200 up to $20,000 per year. What makes this foundation unique compared to other organizations is their requirement of community service involvement for all its applicants which help students become even more involved with their local communities and shape them into responsible citizens prior during college studies. 

Moreover all of their scholarship awards require letters of recommendation from school teachers/counselors/alumni as well as an article or paper related to the topic of the student’s essay submission in addition to traditional academic requirements allowing for a comprehensive review of prospective recipients for their scholarships fundings.


In conclusion, scholarships are an important resource for students in Georgia that can provide much-needed financial assistance through college. Scholarships can be used to cover any aspect of student life and education, including tuition, books, room and board, fees and other expenses. 

There are a variety of scholarships in Georgia available ranging from merit-based or talent-based awards to need-based awards which prioritize the financial status of the applicant. Applying for scholarships is a competitive process but with thorough research and preparation it is possible to find meaningful scholarships in Georgia opportunities that can help make college more affordable.

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